Finally I got a website

10 Feb 2016

Finally, I found some time putting a first website together. It uses Jekyll and one can use markdown to author the posts and all the pages. I basically followed the instruction given at:

Some things I did not find straight forward.

Preview the website before commiting to github.

In the root directory of the project do:

  jekyll serve

Using markdown not only in the posts

If you want to use markdown, simply use the extension md instead of the html file: the magic happens in the background.

Using Latex like formulas

If you want to use formulas in your page you have to include

  		<script type="text/javascript"

in the `_layouts/default.html` file. Then you can write cool things like $$ \hat{H} |\,\psi (t) \rangle = - \frac{\hbar}{\mathrm{i}}\frac{\partial}{\partial t} |\,\psi (t) \rangle $$

The markdown dialekt

The excat markdown dialekt used can be found here