This document describes how the orientation of the IMU MPU-9250 can be calculated.
There are basically two ways to calculate the orientation of the IMU.
First we can use the result provided in the sensor fusion algorithm on the chip. This is done in a Digital Motion Processor (DMP) on the sensor chip and send as a quaternion.
Second, we can use raw data and do the filtering ourself.
1 Using the DMP quaternion
The result of the calculations in the Digital Motion Processor (DMP) done in the IMU are reported as quaternions (basically a short coding of the rotation between the IMU and the fixed laboratory system). Technically they are send to the Aduino (as a byte vector the fifoBuffer). On the Aduino the following steps the result of the FIFO Buffer is parsed and written in a Quaternion with components \(q=(q_w, q_x, q_y, q_z)\) this is done in `dmpGetQuaternion`
1.1 Getting the quaternion q
In the first line the quaternion send from the DSP is read from the fifoBuffer and parsed into the variable q. The quaternion q contains all information about a single IMU. This is done with the following code:
uint8_t MPU6050::dmpGetQuaternion(int16_t*data,constuint8_t* packet){// TODO: accommodate different arrangements of sent data (ONLY default supported now)if(packet ==0) packet = dmpPacketBuffer; data[0]=((packet[0]<<8)| packet[1]); data[1]=((packet[4]<<8)| packet[5]); data[2]=((packet[8]<<8)| packet[9]); data[3]=((packet[12]<<8)| packet[13]);return0;}uint8_t MPU6050::dmpGetQuaternion(Quaternion *q,constuint8_t* packet){// TODO: accommodate different arrangements of sent data (ONLY default supported now)int16_t qI[4];uint8_t status = dmpGetQuaternion(qI, packet);if(status ==0){ q -> w =(float)qI[0]/16384.0f; q -> x =(float)qI[1]/16384.0f; q -> y =(float)qI[2]/16384.0f; q -> z =(float)qI[3]/16384.0f;return0;}return status;// int16 return value, indicates error if this line is reached}
1.2 Understanding the quaternion
A good source is shown in the following youtube video.
The quaternion send from the DMP is a rotation quaternion. A rotation quarternion describes a rotation of \(\theta\) around a vector \(\vec{r}\) as
Step 1: Align the lab coordinate system and the coordinate system of the IMU. In this case we have the identity quaternion \(q=(1,0,0,0)\)
Put the sensor on the table and then rotate until you find the identity quaternion.
Step 2: Turn around x-axis in positive direction. If you found the right axis you have \(q(\theta, v) = \left(\cos(\theta/2),\; \sin(\theta /2), \;0, \;0\right)\) and a rotation around 90 degrees in positive direction you have $q=(0,1,0,0)$ Rotate in the other direction you should get \(q=(0,-1,0,0)\)
Repeat step 2 for the remaining axis. If all goes as expected you have a right handed coordinate system with a body-to-lab (a.k.a. frame) based quaternion.
1.2.1 Calculation of yaw, pitch, roll from quarternion
The code used on the Arduino has been wrong ypr_calculations.html see also Bugreport but it can be directly calculated from the quaternion via.
\text{roll} &= \text{atan2}(2 \cdot (w \cdot x + y \cdot z), 1 - 2 \cdot (x^2 + y^2)) \\
\text{pitch} &= \text{asin}(2 \cdot (w \cdot y - z \cdot x)) \\
\text{yaw} &= \text{atan2}(2 \cdot (w \cdot z + x \cdot y), 1 - 2 \cdot (y^2 + z^2))