Richard Feynman in 1959

“What I cannot create, I do not understand.”
-- R. Feynman

Welcome to my teaching page! As an educator in data science, machine learning, and statistics, my philosophy is deeply rooted in a hands-on, creation-focused approach. I firmly believe that profound comprehension of the subject matter arises from application and construction. This philosophy has guided my course design and enabled me to cultivate an engaging, experiment-based learning environment. Here, students are actively challenged to build and experiment, equipping them with the essential skills needed for their future careers.

Current Teaching

Bachelor and Masterthesis at HTWG

Courses at HTWG (2018-)

Continous Education

Together with Beate Sick I teach the following courses.

Courses at ZHAW (2013-2018)

Bachelor, Project Thesis and Master Thesis supervised at the ZHAW link

Continous Education

Teaching done for the master of Advanced Studies (MAS Data Science) and certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS Data Science Applications)
