1 How the website is created

This project uses markdown see https://quarto.org/ for more info. The side is created as a docs folder see https://quarto.org/docs/publishing/github-pages.html#render-to-docs for a description of that approach.

1.1 How to create webpages from R (qmd)

In this directory is a file called _quarto.yml with the content:

output-dir: ../../docs/

This means that calling in Terminal (not in the console)

  quarto render 

within this directory (R/to_docs) will render all *.qmd files into ../../docs/ as html pages. In github the github_page directory is set to docs/. Included is also an empty file .nojekyll which allows to serve the “raw” html files.

1.2 How to render into pdf (and other format)

Just call in the Terminal

  quarto render --to pdf # Renders all files
  quarto render Note_on_Quaternion.qmd --to pdf  #Renders the single file 
  quarto render Note_on_Quaternion.qmd --to docx #Renders the single file --> word